#jamuary jam number 5. There’s two voices in this jam. The first is two triangle waves a minor third apart, with a little noise mixed in
SynthDef(\tri, { |out, freq = 440, gate=1|
var snd;
snd = EnvGen.ar(Env.asr(3, 0.9, 3), gate: gate, doneAction: 2) *
Mix.new([LFTri.ar(freq), LFTri.ar(freq*(6/5)*1.01), PinkNoise.ar(0.1)]);
Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(snd));
It plays a slow two-chord progression
Pdef(\chords, Pbind(
\instrument, \tri,
\scale, Scale.minorPentatonic,
\out, 0,
\degree, Pseq([0, 3], inf),
\dur, 10,
\ctranspose, -7,
The other voice is a plucky string sound from the Mutable Instruments plaits ugen
SynthDef(\blip, { | out, midinote = 60, t_trig = 1 |
var audio = MiPlaits.ar(midinote, trigger: t_trig, engine: 11);
OffsetOut.ar(out, Pan2.ar(audio));
It’s playing a simple 4-note melody but in a rhythm which has 5 “hits” spaced over 8 pulses (using the euclidean rhythm generators from the Bjorklund package/quark).
Pdef(\melody, Pbind(
\instrument, \blip,
\scale, Scale.minorPentatonic,
\out, 2,
\trig, 1,
\degree, Pseq([0, 3, -4, -2], inf),
\delta, Pbjorklund2(5, 8),
\ctranspose, -7,
I like how this shifts the notes of the melody against the chords.
I used the OS X “Blackhole” virtual audio device to route audio out of supercollider into Reaper so I could record the two voices on separate tracks and have the ValhallaDelay on a send bus. The supercollider server was configured using
var opt = Server.default.options;
opt.device = "BlackHole 16ch";
opt.numOutputBusChannels = 4;
I quite like how this came out, I’m using a couple of new (to me) techniques and starting to get the feel for how I could create longer tracks that evolve over time using SuperCollider.