#jamuary jam number 11. I finally got around to learning how to hook up a MIDI controller (in this case a Korg nanoKONTROL2) to SuperCollider.
The MIDI hookup code looks like
~sliders = Array.fill(8, 0);
~knobs = Array.fill(8, 0);
~sliderBus = Bus.control(numChannels: 8);
~knobBus = Bus.control(numChannels: 8);
8.do({ |i|
MIDIdef.cc("slider" ++ i, {|v, nn, chan, src|
~sliders[nn] = v;
}, i)
8.do({ |i|
MIDIdef.cc("knob" ++ i, {|v, nn, chan, src|
~knobs[nn-16] = v;
}, i + 16)
The values for the knobs and sliders on the controller are put into an array (so that I can use them in interpreter-side code, for example pattern definitions) and into control busses (so they can be read by SynthDefs).
For this jam, I used my triangle synth, again, 5 copies of it this time with the filter cutoff and amplitude mapped to a knob and slider respectively.
5.do({ |i|
SynthDef(\tri++i, { |out, freq = 440, gate=1, control|
var snd, env;
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.asr(3, 0.9, 3), gate: gate, doneAction: 2);
snd = Mix.new([
snd = LPF.ar(snd, ~knobBus.kr(1,i).linexp(0, 127, 50, 15000));
snd = snd * env;
Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(snd * ~sliderBus.kr(1, i).linlin(0, 127, 0, 1)));
The pattern stuff was just some notes from a extended major chord looping out of phase
Pdef(\c0, Pbind(
\instrument, \tri0,
\dur, Pseq([8, 4], inf),
\scale, Scale.major,
\degree, Pseq([1, 5], inf),
\legato, 0.7,
\ctranspose, -12,
Pdef(\c1, Pbind(
\instrument, \tri1,
\dur, Pseq([5, 3], inf),
\scale, Scale.major,
\degree, 3,
\legato, 0.7,
Pdef(\c2, Pbind(
\instrument, \tri2,
\dur, Pseq([7, 5], inf),
\scale, Scale.major,
\degree, 7,
\legato, 0.7,
Pdef(\c3, Pbind(
\instrument, \tri3,
\dur, Pseq([2, 7], inf),
\scale, Scale.major,
\degree, 11,
\legato, 0.7,
\ctranspose, -12,
Pdef(\c4, Pbind(
\instrument, \tri4,
\dur, Pseq([3, 5], inf),
\scale, Scale.major,
\degree, 5,
\legato, 0.7,
\ctranspose, 12,
I set all of the loops going with
and then recorded a few minutes gradually bringing up the levels and filter cutoffs to create some movement.
I recorded everything to a stereo file (and forgot to do anything interesting with the panning of the individual synths), and then applied some ValhallaVintageVerb reverb (Med Ambience
) in Reaper.
Not the most interesting jam, but it’s opened up some possibilities and made SC feel more like an instrument.