Weeknotes 48

January 30, 2022

A fairly quiet week work-wise, which was helpful given that N-‘s after-school club is still closed. We thought we had arranged work for the next 3 months, but unfortunately it’s been scaled back to 2 weeks. Still, it’ll be good to get stuck into something. I enjoyed revisiting old projects and writing supporting evidence for our R&D tax credits claim, it felt good to reflect on what we’d achieved as its easy to miss doing that at the time.

I spent the day with my brother on Monday, met Tom for lunch on Wednesday and had my parents over on Saturday - these all really helped to lift my mood.

Tuesday was a bit of a write-off, I had a scheduled MRI scan with the cardiology team at St. Thomas’s late in the afternoon. I’d been told not to drink caffeine during the day, which meant by lunchtime I had a headache. The scan itself went fine, but I had forgotten how uncomfortable it gets after about half an hour of confinement. I was ready to come out when it finished (about 50mins total).

I made a jam for #jamuary almost every day this week. It feels good to have the creative habit. I’m quite pleased with number 15 and 18 and had fun recording some acoustic guitar on Monday morning.
